Saturday, October 29, 2016

How to resolve Twitter is not displaying any images twitted from your blog or website? Check this.

Trying to share a link from your blog or website to Twitter but images are not showing up on Twitter? This post would probably help you to resolve the issue. Follow the steps in detail given below to show images on Twitter. Is it important to show images in tweets? Well, yes. People are generally more interested in checking out tweets if there are appropriate images along with the text. "Picture speaks a thousand words" still is common around here.

Usually, when we share links from our blogs or websites to Twitter, we don't want just a bunch of texts, hash tags and the URL but we expect some image to show up on our posts. But I found out the images does not show up on Twitter. Since, you are here, I am sure you have found out and looking for ways to let image appear on Twitter. So, let's get on with it.

Images on Twitter tweets are what Twitter calls "cards". There are four types of Twitter cards:
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Free Responsive Mobile Menu Plugin For WordPress

WordPress Plugin for responsive menu
With the increasing use of mobile phones, there is a lot of importance now on responsive web design. In the recent years, there is a lot of emphasis on responsive web design, so that the experience on mobile devices is smooth and user friendly. Keeping that in mind, it is better to have a responsive menu for mobile users instead of the default menu layout even for our WordPress sites. Luckily, there are responsive menu plugins out there for WordPress! There may be a lot out there, but in this post, we'll see one particular WordPress plugin that will enable responsive menu for mobile devices for a WordPress website.

While some WordPress themes takes care of responsive menu in their template design itself, most themes may not. For this example, I am using one of the default WordPress themes - Twenty Eleven. We will see how the WordPress menu looks like on mobile and how the menu is neatly displayed responsively after installing the plugin.
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Sunday, October 16, 2016

How to make "You May Also Like" Related Posts or Link Within widget appear on mobile devices?

How to make "You May Also Like" Related Posts or Link Within widget appear on mobile devices
Showing "Related Posts" on blogs is a good way to keep viewers engaged with your blog. Once they are finished going through a particular blog post, your visitors may want to browse related posts on your blog. If you have a "related posts" or "you may also like" section, they can easily check out other articles on your blog. This is also good for reducing bounce rates. In my previous post, I discussed about how to add a "you may also like" or "related posts" section on Blogger blog using a free service from "LinkWithin". If you have not yet added a "related posts" or "you may also like" section on your blog, you can check out my previous blog post here -How to add "you may also like" or related posts widget for blogger? Though the article is about adding "You may also like" or "related posts" on Blogger blog, you can also use the "LinkWithin" service for other blogging platforms or websites as well.

"You May Also Like" Related Posts or Link Within widget not appearing on mobile devices?
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Monday, October 10, 2016

VB.NET Example Code to backup MySQL Database using mysqldump command in VB using Visual Studio 2015

In this post, we will see how to create a simple VB.NET application to backup MySQL database using the same mysqldump command by firing command prompt from the VB application. For this example, I am using Visual Studio 2015 Community edition.

In some examples on the internet, you would also find the use of mysql connectors for Visual Studio. I have also used it and it works. But since in this post, I am directly going to fire the command prompt from the VB application just like we execute mysqldump command directly in command prompt, there is no need to use the mysql connector for backup purposes. It will however be required if your application is going to fetch data display data etc from a MySQL database in the VB application.

The form designed is:
VB.NET Example Code: How to backup MySQL Database using mysqldump command in VB?

Ignoring the other labels, the important form elements used in code are:
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Batch File Example Code To Backup MySQL Database To A Particular Folder, Append Date and Time, Delete Backups Older Than X Days

Batch File Example Code To Backup MySQL Database To A Particular Folder, Append Date and Time, Delete Backups Older Than X Days
In this post we will see how to make a batch file to take backup of MySQL database (single database) to a particular folder on the same computer. As you may already know, there are various variants of mysqldump command. But for this exercise we will use this command:

mysqldump --routines -u<username> -p<password> <database name> > <output sql file name>

Simple Batch File to backup MySQL Database:
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Thursday, October 6, 2016

How to fix the error: not a valid facebook page url?

How to fix the error not a valid facebook page url
So, recently I saw an error on a Facebook Page embedded to one of my blog. The error was:
error: not a valid Facebook page url
I tried Google for solutions but I couldn't find a relevant solution. And I realized many people are also facing the same issue with their Facebook Page integrated on their websites and blogs. Anyway, since I could not find a relevant solution to this Facebook error, I decided to investigate. And I found the cause of the error and thus, a solution as well.

In this post, we will check the cause of the error "error: not a valid Facebook page URL " and how to solve it.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Setup A Custom Domain For Blogger Blog

How To Setup A Custom Domain For Blogger Blog

In this post, we will discuss how to setup a custom domain for a blog on Blogger. By setting up a custom domain, the blog on Blogger will be accessible using the custom domain. Example: "" instead of "". The first thing required for setting up a custom domain for Blogger blog is to have a custom domain name. So, if you do not have one already then go ahead and buy one from any domain registrant such as Go Daddy.
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Monday, October 3, 2016

How to install and uninstall a module in Drupal CMS?

install uninstall drupal module
Drupal Modules are great way to extend your Drupal website. A Drupal module is a collection of files containing some functionality and is written in PHP. It can be installed and uninstalled. In this post, we will see how to install Drupal modules the standard way and to uninstall Drupal Modules.

How to install modules in Drupal?
There are basically three common ways to install Drupal modules which is popular, besides using "drush". One can install Drupal Modules by either of the following ways:
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