Friday, January 13, 2017

Drupal: How To Redirect Users to Front Page Based on Different User Role?

Drupal How To Set Different Front Page or Home Page For User Based on Different User Role main

There may be times when we may want to direct users based on their Drupal Roles to different Front Page. For instance, we want users with administrator and content admin roles to see a dashboard, and regular users with "Authenticated User" roles to another dashboard specially designed for those users. In such cases, we want to redirect users based on their roles to different dashboard.

In this post, we shall see how to set different Front Page for users based on their user roles. Page redirection can be easily achieved by using Rules. If you don't want to do it with rules, there are modules available for setting front page for different user roles. We shall be check out two methods to set front page for different user roles - by using Rules Module and another by using "Front Page Module" from Drupal Projects.
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